I was looking for memory aids in Wikipedia and found this handy advice for learning Hebrew words:
From Wiki
For foreign-language acquisition
Mnemonics may be helpful in learning foreign languages, for example by transposing difficult foreign words with words in a language the learner knows already, also called "cognates" which are very common in the Spanish language.
A useful such technique is to find linkwords, words that have the same pronunciation in a known language as the target word, and associate them visually or auditorially with the target word.
For example, in trying to assist the learner to remember ohel (אוהל), the Hebrew word for tent, the linguist Ghil'ad Zuckermann proposes the memorable sentence "Oh hell, there's a raccoon in my tent".[20]
The memorable sentence "There's a fork in Ma's leg" helps the learner remember that the Hebrew word for fork is mazleg (מזלג).[21]
Similarly, to remember the Hebrew word bayit (בית), meaning house, one can use the sentence "that's a lovely house, I'd like to buy it."[21]
I have just made up one for the Hebrew word for boy, which is yeled. The boy yelled at the educator, yel-ed.
English - Hebrew
boy - yeled
fork - mazleg
house - bayit
tent - ohel
Hebrew - English
bayit - house
mazleg - fork
ohel - tent
yeled - boy
Useful Websites
duolingo.com Hebrew
translate google English - Hebrew Hebrew-English
If you are not sure if a word is Hebrew, Arabic, Greek, Russian, whatever, type in Detect language-English.
Wikipedia article on mnemonics
About The Author
Angela Lansbury is a teacher of English and a travel writer and photographer.
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